Chilly Night, Luminous Flight: The Latest Glow League Showdown

Last night, winter's chill swept through Billings, Montana, but it didn't deter the city's die-hard disc golfers. They converged on the Emmanuel Baptist Church's disc golf course for another exciting glow league night, hosted by the folks at Disc Golf Billings.

Sixteen enthusiastic participants embraced the cold, as new LED lights provided an illuminating backdrop to the event. The chill was no match for their fiery passion for the sport. They might've had to adapt to a modified course due to maintenance, but they did so with unwavering enthusiasm.

The round began with players snagging early birdies despite the frigid air. Most birdies were followed up with a bogey, and then another birdie - the dance that would be consistent throughout the night. In the end, a score of -7 (47) stole the show, closely followed by two -2 scores. With all but one golfer finishing the round, it was evident that this event was about much more than competition. It was a testament to the camaraderie and spirit of the disc golf community, making every week a cherished memory.

The excitement doesn't stop here; next week, they're taking their glowing frisbees to Hilner Park in Lockwood for the third round of glow disc golf, Halloween costume edition. Get ready for some spooky throws and even spookier costumes!

To the Billings disc golf community, you rock! Your passion for the game and your undying spirit are what make these events truly special. Keep those frisbees glowing, and keep those smiles shining!

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